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Public Procurement

Our experienced consultants provide in-depth analysis and expert guidance to help businesses make informed decisions on mergers, acquisitions, and other financial transactions, and ensure they have a comprehensive understanding of the value and risks associated with their investments.

The emergence and advancement of the tender process can be attributed to the inclination of governments, communities, unions, institutions, banks and even private corporations to grant contracts to individuals or companies with the most favorable bids during the procurement process.

During the tender process, several bidders compete with each other as the employer endeavors to acquire the best goods or services. Public procurement can be primarily categorized into two divisions, namely service procurement and goods procurement, with both having the potential to encompass national and international tenders.

In which construction field is your construction company operating?

- Energy

- Technology

- Design & Engineering

- Infrastructure

- Superstructure

- Real Estate

- Mining & Minerals

- Material & Equipments

- Oil & Gas

For the tender system to achieve maximum efficiency, it is necessary to carry out the tender process in compliance with international standards. The tender authority must guarantee competition, transparency, and equal treatment, while also increasing savings and efficiency in pricing and project management.

Efficient implementation of the tender process is of great importance for both the employer and the contracter in investment and infrastructure projects that demand advanced technology and sophisticated financing.

The tender authority strives to utilize the contractor's proficient and efficient project management capabilities while also aiming to reduce cost and management expenses that may exceed its capacity by concentrating on managing numerous projects simultaneously.

Assuming that public institutions do not carry out the tender process, they would be required to produce all goods and services by themselves, and may face difficulties in effectively managing organizational, financial, and other related processes.

Are you interested in submitting proposals for public tenders in a foreign country?

Our consulting services for public procurement assist companies that wish to participate in projects or procurement tenders held in foreign countries. With our experienced partners , located in the countries where the tenders take place,we provide tenderers with the necessary support.

The public procurement consulting service, which is shaped according to the needs of our clients, includes the following services:

  • Procurement Research

  • Project Research

  • Specification Advisory

  • Procurement Preparation

  • Pricing & Calculations

  • Sightseeing & Legal Representation

  • JV Partnership Arrangement

  • Subcontractor Management

  • Contract Relations

  • Laws & Regulations

  • Claims

The locations where we provide services are:

- Angola

angola flag.jpg

- Austria

austria flag.jpg

- Azerbaijan

azerbaycan bayrağı 3.jpg

- Brazil

brezilya bayrağı 1.jpg

- Canada

kanada bayrağı.jpg

- Colombia

kolombiya bayrağı.jpg

- Croatia

Sırbistan bayrağı 3.jpg

- Czech Republic

çek bayrağı.jpg

- Finland

finlandiya bayrağı.jpg

- Florida

amerika bayrağı.jpg

- Germany

almanya bayrağı.jpg

- Ghana

gana bayrağı.jpg

- Greece

Yunanistan bayrağı 3.jpg

- Hungary

macaristan bayrağı.jpg

- India

hindistan bayrağı 1.jpg

- Israel

israil bayrağı.jpg

- Italy

İtalya Bayrağı 1.jpg

- Japan

japan flag.jpg

- Kenya

kenya bayrağı 2.jpg

- Liberia

liberya bayrağı.jpg

- Lithuania

litvanya bayrağı.jpg

- Luxembourg

lüksemburg bayrağı.jpg

- Mexico

meksika bayrağı.jpg

- Morocco


- New York

amerika bayrağı.jpg

- Nigeria

nijerya bayrağı.jpg

- North Macedonia

kuzey makedonia bayrağı.jpg

- Norway

norveç bayrağı.jpg

- Peru

peru flag.jpg

- Poland

Polonya bayrağı 3.jpg

- Portugal

portekiz bayrağı.jpg

- Romania

romanya bayrağı.jpg

- Rwanda

ruanda bayrağı.jpg

- San Diego

amerika bayrağı.jpg

- Serbia

Sırbistan bayrağı 3.jpg

- Singapore

singapur bayrağı.jpg

- Slovenia

slovenya bayrağı 1.jpg

- South Africa

güney afrika cumhuriyeti bayrağı.jpg

- South Korea

güney kore.jpg

- Spain

ispanya bayrağı 2.jpg

- Sweden

isveç bayrağı 4.jpg

- Switzerland

isviçre bayrağı.jpg

- Taiwan

tayvan bayrağı.jpg

- Türkiye

türk bayrağı 1.jpg

- Uganda

uganda bayrağı 2.jpg

- United Kingdom

birleşik krallık bayrağı.jpg

- Zambia

zambiya bayrağı.jpg

- Zimbabwe

zimbabve bayrağuı.jpg
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